Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Voted best joke at Edinburgh festival this year-
Hedgehogs, why can't they just share the hedge?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Friday, January 8, 2010

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Arsenal Revival

Anyway, one thing I have found time to do is go to the football, or more specifically, the Arsenal. I was born only a couple of miles from Highbury, the team's original ground, and so they were naturally my team, though I was never a rabid supporter. I remember as a kid them winning the double in '71 though (yes, I'm that old) and since coming back to the UK have seen them a few times (my brother in law is a season ticket holder). It's an interest that's been revived in me, and I love the tradition, ritual and excitement of going to the games.

At the FA Cup semi-final recently, I was lucky enough to get a ticket at the new Wembley Stadium, and though Aresnal lost to London rivals Chelsea, it was a great day. Booze before and after the game, the songs and chants ("Shit club, no his-tory, shit club, no his-tory" sung to the tune of Pet Shop boys' 'Go West' at the Chelsea fans), the constant undercurrent of violence... there's nothing like it. If you're not from the UK, this will mean absolutely nothing to you!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Bitter PIL

I read that PIL may be performing again to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Metal Box album(s).

Yes, performing, not reforming, because apparently Levene and Wobble still despise each other.

I like their music better now than I did in '79/'80... and I liked them a lot then. Metal Box still sounds jagged and fresh... more than you can say of a lot of music of that time.
A blind man is walking down the street with his guide dog when it leads him to smack into a post.

Once he's recovered,the blind man reaches into his pocket and fetches out a treat to feed the dog.

A passer-by remarks: "That's marvellous! Even after he's made a mistake like that, you're giving him a treat."

"Not really..." Says the blind man. "I'm just trying to find which end is which so I can kick him in the bollocks!"

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year !!!!!!

I hope 2010 has something tasty in store for you!